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The shortDOI service is a public service (https://shortdoi.org/), open to anyone, that creates shortcuts to DOI names which are often very long strings. The shortDOI service provides a function similar to that which URL shortening services do for URLs. The service creates short DOI names of the form 10/abcde and enables short HTTPS URIs of the form https://doi-org.lama.univ-amu.fr/abcde that are ideal for use in email, blogs, mobile messaging and more. (Note that shortDOIs are not themselves DOI names and therefore do not conform to the ISO standard syntax and other requirements. A shortDOI can only be created for an existing DOI name.)
The shortDOI service proxy server only resolves the shortcuts, identically to the way the DOI Proxy only resolves full DOI names. The service will either create a new shortcut, or return the existing shortcut if one has already been created.
For automated purposes, the shortDOI service can also be used by simply appending the original DOI name to the URL for the service. A format parameter can be used to specify how information is to be returned. For further information, see the shortDOI service web page.