<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: DOI System Governance and Participation > DOI System Governance Body: the DOI Foundation > ISO 26324 Registration Authority > Technical Duties of the Registration Authority |
The ISO 26324 Registration Authority shall provide the following technical services by means of a User Manual:
•maintain a list of approved proxy servers (such as https://doi-org.lama.univ-amu.fr/ which resolve DOI names in web browsers)
•provide current information on appropriate encoding of characters
•provide current information on resolution technology
•maintain a list of representations used in other schemes
•provide information on common encodings
•specify, if required, more constrained rules for the assignment of DOI names to objects for services which make use of the DOI System
Where specified, these rules shall be compatible with the overall DOI System specification and shall not form part of this International Standard.
•publish rules to aid persistence of identification (for example, requirements for maintenance of records, default resolution services)
•publish the DOI Kernel Metadata Declaration that specifies the metadata elements for each DOI name
•provide output metadata to support the services of the DOI System
•establish format and schema specifications for input and service metadata declarations
•provide a data dictionary as the repository for all data elements and allowed values used in DOI metadata specifications to facilitate interoperability across selected existing schemes
•provide a data dictionary as the repository for all data elements and allowed values (the items which may be used as values of each element) used in DOI metadata specifications
•provide the data dictionary mappings of other relevant schemes, as determined by the ISO 26324 Registration Authority (such as ISO codes for territories, currencies and languages)
•specify a set of allowed values of each kernel element
•specify an XML Schema of the DOI Kernel Metadata Declaration
•register sets of other metadata elements and sub-elements as needed
•prevent duplication of a DOI name once registered